

精明的新人 aims to serve newcomers to the translation and interpreting professions by publishing high-quality, 每周有同行评议的内容. We strive to provide you with the answers to the many questions you face as a new or aspiring translator or interpreter. Read more below to learn about the team of volunteers that helps to keep this blog running smoothly.




海伦Eby 从1984年开始从事翻译工作吗. 多年来,她一直以不同的角色积极参与ATA, 协助西班牙分部, 商业实践教育委员会, 及传译科. 她还参与了ASTM翻译标准的制定. 当然,她通过与俄勒冈州的当地协会合作,使其保持真实!

的团队领导 精明的新人, Helen listens carefully to everyone's voice and trusts each team member to do the work once a task has been delegated. 她还会联系潜在的作者,让他们参与到她的作品中来 精明的新人.


凯瑟琳Christaki -团队领导,博客管理员,推特管理员


凯瑟琳·克里斯塔基一直是全职的 English-希腊翻译 自2001年起成为 希腊语翻译 自2012年以来. She specializes in software, app and web localization (lead 希腊 translator for Apple since 2011). 2013年,她为翻译买家翻译了广受欢迎的指南, 换句话说就是:把事情做好,进入 希腊.

在希腊出生和长大, 她在英国学习现代语言和翻译, 目前住在圭尔夫, 加拿大(2018年成为加拿大公民). 她在社交媒体上很活跃,尤其是在推特上 @LinguaGreca,并撰写翻译博客 技术翻译的冒险. 她是ATA的导师,也是 精明的新人自2014年以来,她一直在美国担任志愿者 本土化中的女性 (current Americas GEO Manager; Co-founder and former Chapter & 会员经理 加拿大东部地区的妇女).



杰米•哈氏 是ata永利登录网址的西班牙语到英语的翻译、抄写员和编辑吗. 她是一名全职自由职业者,专门从事法律和商业翻译. 在西班牙塞维利亚留学期间,她第一次接触到了翻译. 她就读的大学开设了一门翻译入门课程, 从那时起, 她没有回头! 2015年5月,Jamie完成了M.A. 在肯特州立大学翻译(西班牙语). 在两年制学位期间, she worked part-time as a freelancer and part-time as a project manager at a language services provider. 2015年6月,杰米成为了一名全职自由职业者. 她也是当地ATA分会的成员 特拉华谷翻译协会. 杰米一直在参与 精明的新人 团队自2013年成立以来.


Daniela Guanipa -创始成员,博客作者/编辑

丹妮拉·瓜尼帕(Daniela Guanipa)大约17年前开始了她的翻译生涯, 在大学毕业并获得国际关系学位后不久. 她从很小的时候就开始接触语言, 第一次在美国上学, 然后在加拉加斯和她的巴西朋友学习葡萄牙语. 然而,, 成为一名翻译并不在她的计划之中, until she took and passed a test with a film company offering free training as audiovisual translators for qualified candidates. 成为家乡一家电影公司的自由翻译, 加拉加斯, 是一件偶然的事情让她看到了一个未知的领域吗. 从那时起,翻译和口译的世界就成了她的家.

Her debut as audiovisual translator was only the beginning of a long and prosperous career that led her to accept various in-house positions –from Translations Coordinator for the film company, 印第安纳波利斯一家知名语言公司的翻译总监, 成为一家律师事务所的双语案件经理兼口译员.

在此期间, 丹妮拉也开始兼职做自由翻译, became an ATA-certified EN>ES translator, 以及一名经过印第安纳州永利登录网址的法庭翻译. Her portfolio of clients grew to the point she became a full-time translator again and was finally able to live her passion. 下一步是更积极地参与到T&她开始在当地的美国航空运输协会分会做志愿者 佛罗里达翻译与口译协会 (ATIF),她目前担任该组织副主席. 你可以在她的专业网站上了解更多关于丹妮拉的信息,,并在推特上关注她 @daguarez.


劳伦·雷 ——Blogmaster 博客作者/编辑器

劳伦·雷是一名西班牙语到英语的翻译和语言正义倡导者. She is passionate about languages and developing multilingual spaces where people can connect across differences in language, 历史, 和文化.

劳伦得了B.A. 在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(Urbana-Champaign)获得政治学硕士学位.A. 杜兰大学拉丁美洲研究硕士. She spent eight years working in education and as a volunteer with community organizations where she often assisted with translation and interpreting. In 2020, she decided to become a freelance translator and is now completing the Professional Certificate in Translation & 来自加州大学圣地亚哥分校的口译(西班牙语/英语).

她来自伊利诺伊州芝加哥,曾在墨西哥库尔纳瓦卡学习,并居住在西班牙马德里. 她目前与她的伴侣和两岁的女儿住在德克萨斯州休斯顿. 在她那里了解更多关于劳伦的信息 网站 并在推特上与她联系:@LaurenXL8R.



凯文·赫尔 一个翻译专业的学生是否在寻找一份有意义的国际工作. 他的兴趣可以追溯到五年级关于种族的讨论, 由此开启了他对其他国家的毕生兴趣. 2003年高中毕业后,凯文无法上大学. 长话短说, he ended up working in construction for many years and eventually began to use his commute time (some of the little free time he then had) to learn languages. He also bought language learning books from Barnes and Noble and translated three blog posts from French to English in 2016.

他在2017年被解雇,并决定做他一直想做的事,去上大学. 他对其他文化很感兴趣, 外语能力强,愿意从事国际工作, 他主修翻译. 他对社会公正问题的关注, 人权, and world peace led him to minor in peace and conflict studies (PACS) and pick Arabic as his concentration. 毕业后, 凯文希望用他的技能弥合不同文化之间的鸿沟,建立一个更公正的世界.


Emily Moorlach -博客作者/编辑

Emily Moorlach is an ATA-certified French to English translator who began her translation career in 2016 when she was hired as the 笔译和口译 Program Manager for a small translation agency that was part of a non-profit organization. 那一年, she also began providing freelance French to English official document translation for the same agency. In 2019, after leaving her management role at the agency and taking a whirlwind road trip through 45 cities in Europe, 艾米丽回到了美国.S. 开始她的自由翻译事业,Langue Vivante LLC.

她的学位是B.A. 法语和一个B.S. in Accounting from Iowa State University and has always loved getting the tiny details just right, 无论是字母还是数字. Emily also studied abroad at La Sorbonne in Paris and after graduation held positions as a highschool French teacher and luxury travel advisor. Emily is now a full-time freelance translator and editor whose main specializations include official documents, 企业沟通, 以及旅游/旅游行业材料. 要了解更多关于艾米丽的信息,请拜访她 网站.


维多利亚Chavez-Kruse -博客作者/编辑

维多利亚Chavez-Kruse is an ATA-certified Spanish to English translator and editor specializing in the 医疗 and life sciences fields. 她拿的是M。.A. 获得肯特州立大学西班牙语翻译学士学位.A. 在马龙大学学习西班牙语. 维多利亚是东北俄亥俄州翻译协会的成员, 美国医学作家协会, 和ACES:编辑协会.

维多利亚也是黑松鼠翻译集体的创始成员, a collaborative group of translators providing comprehensive Spanish to English translation services. 自2013年以来,她一直是自由职业者. 你可以在网上找到她 推特 或者沉浸在小说中.



Flávia利马 脸谱网的管理员

Flávia Lima is a freelance Portuguese interpreter and translator with experience in numerous fields and settings including immigration, 医疗, 法律, 和会议. 来自里约热内卢, 巴西, 她持有Centro Universitário de Barra Mansa的语言学执照学位, Estácio de sade大学翻译专业毕业证书.


伊莎贝尔麦克雷 -博客作者/编辑

伊莎贝尔麦克雷专门从事土耳其语和阿塞拜疆语到英语的语言服务. 原产美国, 她的语言工作始于2018年,当时她在土耳其和阿塞拜疆学习. 从那时起,她的工作扩展到许多不同的领域, 来自翻译和编辑, 到社区口译和文化咨询.


Bianca Dasso - 脸谱网管理员

Bianca Dasso is an Argentine interpreting student in her second year at Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, 阿根廷. 她从幼儿园开始学英语, 3岁的时候, 并继续参加正规课程,直到高中毕业.





埃琳娜·兰登是一名葡萄牙语-英语会议口译员和口译培训师. She is certified by ATA (Portuguese into English translator) and by CCHI (core-certified healthcare interpreter). 她拿的是M。.A. 自2005年以来一直从事口译和翻译教学工作.



奥利维亚是一名刚毕业的翻译和新手自由翻译. She found her passion for languages when she took a gap year to do a Rotary Youth Exchange to Belgium where she fell in love with French. 她在国外待了一年回来的时候, 奥利维亚决定,她想做一些与语言有关的专业工作, 发现了肯特州立大学的翻译项目.


Emily Safrin -博客作者/编辑

Emily Safrin is an ATA-certified Spanish-English translator and the owner of Saffron Translations. She has lived between the US and Spain since 2004 and earned her master's in intercultural communication and public service translation and interpreting from the Universidad de Alcalá in 2014.




大卫·弗里德曼(David Friedman)作为翻译为国际目标群体量身定制瑞典语信息, 文案, 和专门从事金融通讯的编辑, IT, 还有网络拷贝.



Cynthia Sleight -博客作者/编辑

Cynthia Sleight graduated from Seattle Pacific University in June of 2015 with a major in Linguistics and Cultural Studies and a minor in Spanish, 目前正在探索专业领域. 作为第一步, 她在为她母亲工作, 海伦Eby, 担任Gaucha TI的行政助理.



金伯利狩猎 is a freelance translator and Masters student in French translation at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, CA. 她专门研究金融和企业社会责任. 在巴黎实习之后, she is currently trying to soak in every last bit of professorial wisdom as graduation quickly approaches.



丽莎•卡特 is an acclaimed Spanish-to-English translator with nearly twenty years of experience and a published portfolio of seven books and several short stories. Her work has won the Alicia Gordon Award for Word Artistry in Translation and been nominated for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.



萨曼莎·里斯克住在北卡罗来纳州的达勒姆. 她毕业于坎贝尔大学,获得学士学位.A. 辅修西班牙语,她获得了文学硕士学位.S. 在纽约大学翻译. Her language pair is Spanish>English.


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  2. […]海伦Eby与杰米•哈氏合作撰写[…]


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